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Upcoming Event:


Janelle Carbone-Rodriguez, LCSW, ACHP-SW - Unit Chair


Hello all,

I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself, my name is Doug Keown and I am the new Unit Chair for the Lake/Sumter Unit of NASW here in FL.  I am looking forward to some exciting times going forward.  There is a lot of things happening in our country right now and we know that NASW will be leading the charge on many issues that affect our clients. 

I want to try and make our unit one of great cohesion, learning opportunities and fun!  To do this I need your help and input.  What kinds of things do you want to see?  What opportunities would you like me to work on creating or getting created for us?  How can we work hard and yet still have fun?  These are some of the questions I am asking myself so I am asking you as well.  I believe I am here to serve you and so let me know what you would like to see from me as well.  I will be continuing to work these questions and hope that as we get some good answers, we also get to know each other a little more and can help Dawn Brown make NASW Florida the premier organization in our wonderful regulation body.

I look forward to hearing from you soon and putting together some things to meet face to face!  Until then, keep helping those clients we serve be whatever it is they strive to be!

Lake Sumter Unit of NASW